Ship and Shipping

Welcome to The Ship Lord!

Our Purpose here is to either introduce, make and/or break your ships down to the very last bit. Now for anyone new, we aren’t talking about this kind of Ship:

Not This Kind of Ship

We mean business, the real stuff, the kind you would either quietly shriek and slowly curl into a ball over, or just go full rage mode on, or maybe you might not even care at all, therefore your opinion consists of a simple “eh…” In this case, the definition of a “Ship” can be easily derived from a single English word, that word being “Relationship.” Do you see it in there? Did you get it? A relationSHIP?

No, we are not talking about Kanye West’s failing relationship with Kim Kardashian, or your best friend’s OTP, we mean the fun stuff… ANIME! MANGA! VIDEO GAMES! Everything you can possibly imagine between two characters that fit under at least one of these categories is considered a ship! Something you may want to keep in mind is that a ship is a fictional pairing, so this can, in most cases, only apply to anime, manga, and video games. Other cases being when you ship your friend with another friend secretly (shh!).

All the types of pairings… CANONS! FANON! TBA’S! PEOPLE WHO HAVE NOT MET BEFORE! CRACK (no, not the drug) PAIRINGS! AND…. GAY PAIRINGS!!!! Over the next four unfortunate years that you will have to read this blog, we will cover all of these topics! And maybe even something totally new! All you have to do is keep up with us (not really)!

As a notice to any serious shippers… STAY AWAY, WE ARE NOT AFRAID TO USE OUR CANONS AGAINST YOURS! In this blog we introduce our opinions on ships, and sometimes we might even have a war or two between conflicting ships (This includes you, Sonamy and Sonally fans).

KEEP IN MIND THIS IS ALL FREE SHIPPINGS (just kidding, not really)!

Makoto x Haruka


Ships: A relationship between two or more people

Pairing: antonym of a ship

OTP: One True Pairing, meaning a ship (relationship) that a person believes in the most.

Canon: Officially announced by author or creator

Fanon: Ships made by fans

TBA: To Be Announced

Crack: (NOT THE DRUG) A ship made for laughs, not an actual ship